Whats Another Word for Being Approved Again

Topic vocabulary in contrast

A Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

1.John Sanders, MP, _________ any interest in the scandai when asked almost it yesterday.

2.The politician _________ to say more when questioned bv reporters this morning.

3.Johnny Depp rarely _________ invitations to do interviews.

4.Johnny Depp _________ to announced at a press conference to promote his latest moving picture.

v.Did y'all see the newspaper _________ this forenoon?

6.If you give every paragraph of your report a _________, it'll be easier to read.

vii.Living Today has got a special _________ this month on healthy diets. There areinterviews with nutritionists, menus, recipes, and toads of other things too.

8.At that place'due south an interesting _________ in the paper about the Constitution thе European union.

nine.  I by and large trust what I hear on the news, but rarefy beWeve anting I read inthe _________.

10.The _________ involve print journalism, TV, radio and even electronic forms of communication such as the Net.

eleven.We interrupt this programme to bring you lot an urgent _________

12.And nosotros'll be dorsum with our regular _________ at seven o'clock.

deny refuse
agree accept
heading headline
feature article
press media
bulletin newflash

В   Circumvolve the correct discussion or phrase.

1. It'south a smashing estimator programme/program onceyou

2. I detest tabloid/broadsheet newspapers; they're just full of gossip, scandal and lies!

3. Equally a journalist/columnist for a local paper, y'all don't take to interviewpeople or events.You simply have to express your opinions abou the issues of the twenty-four hours.

iv. There'south a great talk/quiz/game show on BBC1 tonight. Contestants have to race through a supermarket every bit quickly as they сan, filling up their trolleys equally they go.

5. On some Telly channels, an announce/ а commenter tells you what the next programme is going to exist.

6. Join usa at half past nine for a live circulate/chanel of the State Opening of Parliament.

Phrasal verbs

С   Write one one give-and-take in each gap.

1.Please practice not _________ over your examination papers until you lot are instructed to practice so.

2. I had to _________ in so many forms. It took me hours!

three. I'd similar everyone here to _________ forward every bit many suggestions equally possible.

iv. There was a guy in the street _________ out gratuitous tickets to that new quiz evidence.

5. He _________ out that he'd worked in children'due south TV, but in fact he's never been almost a TVstudio!

6. Could you lot _________ up her number in the telephone volume?

7. She _________ out as one of the finest contemporary British novelists around at themoment.

D   Complete each second judgement using the word given, so that it has a similar pregnant to the firstsentence. Write between ii and five words in each gap.

1. Her latest bestseller was published final month. out

Her latest bestseller ___________________ final month.

two. That story's not true, is it? up

You___________________ didn't you?

3. The programme starts at half by half dozen. on

The programme ___________________ at half past six.

iv. The documentary didn't really explore why the rainforests are being cut downwardly. into

The documentary didn't really_____________why therainforests are being cut downwardly.

v. I had a quick look at the magazine in the dentist's waiting room. through

I___________________ in the dentist's waiting room.

6. I don't recollect we need to mention that now. up

I don't think we demand to ___________________ now.

7. Your lies don't fool me! through

I can ___________________ your lies!

Phrases and collocations

E   Cull the correct answer.

1.Information technology's not always easy to … the difference between fact and opinion.

A make             С say

В exercise                    D tell

2. The contend will … identify this night.

A be                    С have

В have                    D make

3. In my … freedom of the press must be maintained.

A mind             С sight

В view                    D thought

iv. Media mogul Ronald Morduck has … control of another tabloid.

A fabricated             С given

В found            D taken

five. They … a clarification of the robber on CrimeTime and information technology sounded similar you!

A made             С said

В told                    D gave

6. J. K. Rowling has ... an enormous influence on children'due south literature.

A had                    С washed

В given             D gear up

seven. I could spend hours … the Cyberspace!

A surfing          С sailing

В diving            D swimming

8. They said … the news that the price of petrol is going upwardly again.

A from                          С on

В in                    D at

nine. The issue … question is more circuitous than you think.

A from                          С on

В in                    D at

10. Watch … for words like'so-called'in articles equally they limited the writer's bias.

A about             С over

В around           D out

Word patterns

F   Each of the words in bold is wrong. Rewrite them correctly.

1. He'due south been described by several critics for our greatest living poet.    _________

2. I think you lot've confused tabloids by broadsheets. _________

3. Do you lot believe near telepathy?_________

four. At that place's no signal of trying to go an interview with him. He never does interviews!_________

5. According from this report, scientists have discovered a new planet._________

half dozen. The facts in this article don't correspond about my own experience at all._________

G   H2o has damaged part of this text about an anouncement. Read information technology and make up one's mind what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.

THE Annunciation

The editor sent an electronic mail _________ every journalist on the news desk        1_________

Announcing _________ at that place would be an emergency editorial meeting        2_________

at one o'clock. I had heard _________ the problems the paper was facing       3_________

and I heard _________ ane of my colleagues that the paper might be         4_________

going to close. Whatever it was, it was probable _________ be bad news.        5_________

At the meeting, the editor told us _________ to tell anyone else however, but        6_________

the paper had been taken over by Ronald Morduck. He said he had

only been informed _________ the decision that morning. Nosotros were all        7_________

then surprised _________ the news that nobody knew what to say. I made        8_________

a comment _________ a colleague that it was time to first looking for a        9_________

new job.The editor heard this, and finally managed to persuade us not

_________ quit until we had seen what changes would be made.                     10_________

Discussion formation

H Complete the sentences by changing the form of the discussion in capitals when this is necessary.

1. Why do printing photographers remember they can turn upwardly at a glory's house completely _________ (Denote)?

2. How many ways of_________ (COMMUNICATE) exercise you utilize on a regular basis?

3. Could you write an_________ (EDIT) for the side by side issue of the school magazine?

4. You accept to take a sense of_________ (Sense of humor) to work on children's TV!

five. There's an_________ (WRITE) dominion on tabloid newspapers that the truth always takes 2nd identify to a good story.

vi. When Jill was at_________ (SECOND) school she used to dream of being a DJ on localradio.

7. Are y'all thinking of a career in_________ (Journal)?

8. You don't actually become a lot of_________ (INFORM) from a news report on radio or TV.

I Consummate the text by changing the grade of the word in capitals.


Ilove watching (1)_________ (DISCUSS) programmes, and I love politics, so y'all'd thinkI'd enjoy watching (2) _________ (POLITICS) being interviewed on Television. But I don't. All toooften, (3)_________ (Periodical) inquire them the almost (4)_________ (RIDICULE)questions, and, when they exercise get an interesting question, I sit there watching in(five)_________ (BELIEVE) as some of the virtually (6)_________ (Ability) people in thecountry give totally (7)_________ (CONVINCE) responses. Information technology's every bit if they don't intendance whethertheir respond is (8)_________ (BELIEVE) or not. Often, they're very poor (9)_________ (COMMUNICATE), and they're frequently even more (ten)_________ (INFORM) about keyissues than I am. I don't await them to be particularly (xi)_________ (HUMOUR) - they areserious people, afterwards all - but at least they could say something interesting occasionally. It makes me want to stand for election myself!

UNITS 7 and 8                  REVIEW four

A If a line is correct, put a tick (/) next to the number. If there is an extra word in a line, write it next to the number.

QUIZ Evidence

1_________ Last month, I wrote to a few local telly station asking if

2_________ they gave away the free tickets to any shows. A week later,

3_________ they sent to me two tickets for a quiz show. I went with my

4_________ all-time friend Angie last nighttime. It was an first-class! The prove

5_________ is chosen KnowThem Or Not? and contestants have to

6_________ answer questions nigh a lots of different people in their lives,

7_________ like friends, relatives and colleagues.There are 10 contestants

8_________  to start with but one of them gets knocked out at the finish of

9_________ each round. I'd like to go into on a show like that one day

10_________ but, for now, I'm much happy just to take been in the audience.

(1 marker per answer)

В Complete the sentences past irresolute the form of the discussion in capitals when this is necessary.

xi. Why can't _________ (POLITICS) e'er just say 'yeah' or 'no' when they're asked if they agree with something?

12. I was hoping this book would assist me with my history project only in fact it wasn't very _________ (INFORM).

13. My cousin Dan has kept a _________ (JOURNAL) since he was twelve years quondam.

14. Did yous hear that _________ (Announce) on the radio about the h2o shortage?

fifteen. At that place's an _________ (WRITE) dominion in our house about how late we can stay up towatch TV.

16. I only stood at that place in_________ (BELIEVE) when I heard I'd been selected to keep thequiz show.

17. The Cyberspace is an incredibly powerful means of_________ (COMMUNICATE).

18. I wouldn't describe the moving picture every bit a comedy, but one or 2 scenes are mildly_________ (HUMOUR).

(i mark per answer)

С Complete the second sentence using the discussion given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first judgement. Write befween two and five words in each gap.

19. These ii dictionaries are like. footling

In that location _________ these two dictionaries.

20. My first editor greatly influenced me. influence

My starting time editor _________ me.

21. They described the robber on the evening news. gave

They _________ the robber on the evening news.

22. Robert Maxdoch has merely bought the newspaper. control

The newspaper is now _________ Robert Maxdoch.

23. You'll be wasting your time if you lot endeavor to get tickets for that evidence. point

At that place _________ to become tickets for that evidence.

24. I believe that adverts do influence people's buying habits. view

It _________ that adverts do influence people's ownership habits.

25. The prime number minister volition probably brand a statement this afternoon. probable

The prime minister _________ a statement this afternoon.

26. A programme nearly the majestic family will be shown instead of Friends tonight. place

This night, _________ Friends, a programme nearly the purple family unit will be shown.

27. The Hollywood star wouldn't say annihilation about the allegations. comment

The Hollywood star refused _________ the allegations.

(two marks per answer)

D Use the words in the box only once to complete the sentences in Table A. The pregnant of the sentences in Tabular array В volition help you. There is 1 give-and-take you won't demand.

few • little • lot • lots • many • most • much • some

Tabular array A Table В
28. How … data do nosotros accept at themoment? asking about an amount
29. Simply a … print journalists manage to moveinto television. describing a pocket-sized corporeality
30. This mag's got … of adverts in information technology. describing a large amount
31.I won … money on a quiz show once. describing an imprecise amount
32. In that location'southward … chance of getting rich from starting a website. describing a pocket-sized amount
33.I think that … children's Television set programmes these days are educational. describing a majority
34. There aren't … opportunities for poets to get published. describing a minor amount

(1 mark per answer)

E  Choose the correct answer.

35. The plan usually … on at half by eight.

A looks             С turns

В does                    D comes

36. I saw the interview while I was … through a magazine at the hairdresser's.

A clicking              С picking

В flicking          D ticking

37. Why did you take to bring that subject … at dinner?

A up                    С over

В out                    D off

38. They mentioned it in the commodity just they didn't … into item.

A make             С come

В take                    D get

39. The tabloids completely … that story about Bruce Willis. It's not true at all!

A stood out           С made upwardly

В filled in         D turned over

40. They were … out free tickets to the concert to anybody in the shopping centre.

A handing             С carrying

В property              D bringing

41. We had the volume turned down, so I couldn't make … what they were talking about.

A upward                    С in

В out                    D off

(1 mark per respond)

Full mark: ….. /50

Unit of measurement nine                            Grammer

• Conditionals: zero, first, second, third, mixed, inverted / unless, in case, as/and so long every bit, provided (that)

 ( Zero conditional )

Grade if + present simple, present elementary

Use Example
Full general or scientific facts and definitions If you have faith in something, you believe in something you cannot prove.

( First provisional )

Grade if + a present tense, will + blank infinitive

Utilise Example

Existent or probable atmospheric condition in the present or future and their results in the present and futurity

If you accept a birthday political party, yous'll get loads of cool presents!
If you're working till half past six, we'll take dinner at about eight.
If you lot have revised properly, you won't have any issues in the examination next calendar week.

Lookout man OUT

•We can too utilize may, might, tin can, could, shall, should, ought to, have to instead of will , depending on the meaning.

If you lot have a birthday party, yous might get loads of cool presents!

•We can also utilize should + bare infinitive instead of present simple . This suggests the situation is possible, merely unlikely to happen.

If you should bump into Alex at the concert, you'll be able to get a lift dwelling house.

•We can also utilise a class of the kickoff conditional to give instructions about real or likely situations in the present or time to come.This is: if+ a nowadays tense, imperative .

If you make up one's mind to take a birthday party, tell me!

( unless, in case, as/then long as, provided (that)

Discussion or Phrase Meaning Instance
unless 'except if'or 'if... not' I'll be at that place at six unlessI get delayed. (= except if I get delayed / if I don't get delayed)
in case 'because he/she/information technology/etc might' Let'southward accept our wellies in case it's dingy. (= considering information technology might be muddy)
as/so long every bit 'if' or'only if' Equally long as I'm happy, my parents don't care what job I do. So long as I'k happy, my parents don't care what job I do.
provided (that) 'if' or'only if' Provided (that) I'k happy, my parents don't care what chore I practise.

( Second provisional )

Course if + past unproblematic or past continuous, would + bare infinitive

Use Case
Incommunicable, unlikely or hypothetical conditions in the present or future and their results in the present or future If you lot had a beard, you would look just similar Charles Dickens! If you were flight to Rio, would you go there much quicker?
Advice If Iwere you, Iwould think very carefully about my future. (more formal) If Iwas you, I'd take a political party at the weekend! (more informal)

Spotter OUT

•We can also use might or could instead of would , depending on the pregnant. (Annotation: could hither oftentimes means would be able to .)

✓If we were older, nosotros could go on holiday on our own.

•We tin likewise use could in the //clause. Here, it means was/were able to .

✓If I could drive , I' d purchase a car.

( Third conditional )

Form if + past perfect (simple or continuous), would + accept + past participle

Use Example
Hypothetical conditions in the past and their results in the past If you had worn a fake bristles, no one would have known who yous were! (= Y'all didn't clothing a false beard then people knew who you were.) If she'd been wearing her new spectacles, Iwould take noticed them. (= She wasn't wearing her new glasses so I didn't find them.)

Sentry OUT

• We can also use might, could or should instead of would , depending on the meaning.

✓If I had washed some revision, I might / could /should have passed the test.

( Mixed conditionals )

Form if + by perfect (elementary or continuous), would + bare infinitive

Use Example
Hypothetical past atmospheric condition and a present result If I had listened to my parents, Iwouldn't be in so much trouble now. (= I didn't listen to my parents so I'm in lots of trouble now.)

Course if + past perfect (elementary or continuous), would + have + past participle

Utilise Example
Hypothetical present weather condition and a past effect If I had a mobile, Iwould have called you last night. (= I don't have a mobile so I didn't call you last night.)

( Inverted conditionals )

Form •       Should I/you/he/etc... insteadofIf I/you/he/etc should...

Were I/yous/he/etc... insteadofIf I/you lot/he/etc were...

Had I/you/he/etc... insteadofIf I/you/he/etc had...

Use Case
More formal class of the showtime provisional (withshould) Should the situation worsen, the Un is prepared to ship in a peacekeeping force. (= If the situation should worsen...)
More formal form of the second provisional Were the situation to worsen, the United Nations would be prepared to send in a peacekeeping forcefulness. (= If the state of affairs were to worsen...)
More formal form of the 3rd conditional Had the situation worsened, the United nations would have been prepared to send in a peacekeeping forcefulness. (= If the state of affairs had worsened...)


• For all conditional sentences (first, 2d, tertiary, mixed, inverted), when the condition comes before the outcome it is ordinarily followed past a comma. When the result comes start, no comma is necessary.

✓If I had a mobile, I would have called yous final night.

✓I would accept chosen you final night if I had a mobile.

• In conditional sentences, modals ( will, would, could , etc) are sometimes followed by a continuous infinitive.

✓Nosotros' d however be waiting if you hadn't turned upwards.

US vs Uk Grammer

• With 2d and third conditionals in informal conversation, speakers of American English language sometimes use would or would accept in the if clause.This is very unusual in British English.

United states : How would yous feel if this happened / would happen to you?

UK : How would y'all feel if this happened to you?

US : I would accept felt atrocious if that had happened / would accept happened to me.

U К : I would have felt awful if that had happened to me.

A   Write Yep or No to answer the questions about each sentence.

i. If Carl doesn't come to the party, I'll exist really upset.

Is it possible that Carl won't come to the party? _________

2. If my neighbour became prime government minister, he'd give everyone a million euros.

Is information technology probable that the neighbour will become prime minister? _________

Is it possible that the neighbour will become prime minister? _________

3. If Helen weren't here, I don't know what we'd do.

Is Helen here at present? _________

4. If Tarek had had enough money, he'd have bought a car.

DidTarek have enough coin? _________

Did he purchase a car? _________

5. If Debbie hadn't gone to the U.k., she wouldn't have met Volition.

Did Debbie become to the Great britain? _________

Did she meet Volition? _________

six. If the constabulary had investigated the case thoroughly, they wouldn't have arrested Keren.

Did the law investigate the case thoroughly? _________

Did they abort Keren? _________

7. Had she not gone to university, she might not accept started her own business.

Did she get to university? _________

Did she start her own business? _________

В Complete the definitions using your own ideas.


If yous trust someone, you lot believe that they won't let yous down.

one. If yous peachy someone, ___________________________

2. If you accuse someone, _________________________

3. If you expanse liar, ________________________________

4. If you lot are rich, ________________________________

5. If yous are lucky, _______________________________

vi. If you are lazy, ________________________________

seven. If you look up to someone, __________________________

viii. If you look down on someone, __________________________

С Complete using the correct grade of the verbs in the box.

be • call • find • forget • get • go out • encounter • take • want • work

1. If she ________ at 5 o'clock, she'll be there past one-half past vii.

2. We ________ you if nosotros have any issues.

3. It might not be a good idea to become out this evening if yous ________ an of import test in the morning time.

4. Ifyou ________ ill all day, y'all shouldn't come up to the social club this evening.

5. If you should ________ my wallet, telephone call me on my mobile immediately!

six. Let'south get a different DVD if y'all ________ that one already.

7. If Sean ________ so hard lately, he'll welcome the chance to have a few days off.

viii. If you're going into boondocks, ________ a video for tonight while you're there!

9. Ifyou encounter Carol tonight, ________ to say how-do-you-do from me!

10. Don't feel y'all have to come ifyou ________ to.

D  Circumvolve the correct word or phrase.

1. This time in vi months I'll be at academy unless / if I make up one's mind to take a year off start.

2. Nosotros'd better exit early tomorrow unless / in case at that place's a lot of traffic when nosotros get to Doncaster.

3. Y'all can picket the film as long every bit / in case you lot promise to go directly to bed when information technology finishes.

4. Permit'due south get to Mirabella'southward tonight unless / if you haven't been at that place earlier.

5. Unless / So long every bit I've still got my wellness, I don't mind how poor I am!

6. You'd ameliorate take a sweater with you now if / in case it gets cold tonight.

7. Do what you like provided / unless you don't make any noise.

eight. I'm not going to worry unless / as long every bit she hasn't chosen by midnight.

E   Write sentences using the second provisional.

Example: I don't want to purchase that CD so I'g not going to. If I wanted to buythat CD, I would.

1. I don't live solitary so I don't get alone.

2. Don'due south got such a lot of homework that he's non going to play football this evening.

3. I can't swim and so I'thou not going scuba diving with Terry.

four. We're not going to order a pizza considering we don't accept enough coin.

5. We're non staying in the same hotel, then we tin can't share a room.

6. I'm non you lot, but I think you lot should call Antony right now!

7. I can't come considering I have to help my dad with something.

viii. I don't go to bed equally late as yous so I'thousand able to get upwards early in the morning.

F   Read the text and complete the sentences using the 3rd conditional.

Some scientists, such every bit Stephen Hawking, believe it'south possible that there are billions and billions of universes. Each universe has a unlike possible result for every action. In the universe we live in, for example, George Bush became President of the United states in January 2001, and Greece won the European Loving cup in July 2004. But in other universes different things happened. Imagine if that'southward true! In some universes, your parents didn't come across, so yous weren't born. In another universe, a meteor didn't strike the World, and so the dinosaurs didn't become extinct. In a different universe, your best friend won the lottery final summertime and moved to a bigger house. In another parallel universe, you started learning English language a year earlier, so yous did this book last yr! Somewhere else, Madonna wasn't discovered, and so didn't make any records. In another universe, Van Gogh was recognised as a great painter during his lifetime, and and then didn't die in poverty. And perhaps in several universes, there were enough lifeboats on the Titanic so everyone on board survived. It makes yous think, doesn't it?

ane. If I'd started learning English a yr earlier,I would accept this volume concluding twelvemonth!

2. If a falling star hadn't struck the Globe,the dinosaurs wouldn't have go extinct.

three. If my best friend had won the lottery last summer,he\she would have moved to a larger house.

4. If my parentshadn't met, I wouldn't have been born.

5. Everyone on lath the Titanicwould accept survived if there had been enough lifeboats.

6. Van Gogh wouldn't have died in poverty if he had beeb recognized every bit a great painter during his lifetime.

seven. Madonna wouldn't have fabricated whatsoever records if she hadn't been discovered.

eight. If George Bushhadn't become President of the U.s.a. in January 2001, he wouldn't take moved to the White Firm.

9. If Greece hadn't won the European Cup in July 2004, I wouldn't have been very upset!

1000 Choose the right answer.

If this theory about parallel universes (1) _______ correct, it (2)_______that we're living in more than than one universe at the aforementioned fourth dimension. But if that (3)_______true - if I was doing different things in differentuniverses - (4)_______about it. And if I (v)_______about it, how could information technology be me doing these things? If I (half-dozen) _______the lottery last year in a parallel universe, and decided to sail round the world, how isthat'me? It doesn't make sense!

And another thing. If I do something, it (7_______consequences. For example, if I (eight)_______study,I might non pass my exams. I tin't starting time thinking about different universes where the consequences are dissimilar. If I only (9)_______about the universe I actually live in, and then I'thou sure (10)_______okay!

ane. A will be        В is               С would have been D has been

2. A has meant      В meant            С had meant        D means

three. A volition be        В was being        С were                    D has been

iv. A I'd know        В I'll know        С I have known     D I know

5. A wouldn't know В don't know        С won't know        D didn't know

half-dozen. A had won        В was winning      Сhave won        D win

7. A would have    В would have had С will take        D had had

8. A won't         В oasis't          C don't                          D hadn't

ix. A think         В to think         C am thinking        D take thought

ten. A I'd be        В I've been        C I'd have been     D I'll be

H Complete using the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If you'd done (yous / practice) your homework concluding night,you'd know (you/know) the answer to this question!

2. We_______(not / stand) by the side of the road at the moment trying to get a lift if_______(we / bring) a spare tyre with us.

3. If I_______(not / stay up) and so tardily last night, I_______(not / feel) so tired this morning!

4. _______(I / be) in terrible trouble correct at present if you_______(not / help) me.

5. If I had a video recorder,_______(I / record) the lucifer concluding nighttime.

vi. _______(I / ask) for Andy'south phone number when I met him if I_______(not / already / have) a boyfriend!

7. If Cody_______(non / live) so far abroad, he_______(not / be) then late to the barbecue yesterday.

viii. Tracy_______(non / need) extra lessons last month if she_______(exist) equally good at maths as yous are.

9. _______(you / got) a job when you left school if the university_______(not / offer) you a place?

10. If you_______(take) as much money as she does,_______(you / retire) by at present?

I Complete the sentences so that the meaning remains the same.

1.If her status should better, we'll inform you immediately.

Should her condition improve, nosotros'll inform you immediately.

2.Jade volition ask lots of difficult questions if she gets to interview a famous politician.

Should _____________________________________.

3.If you were able to go away for the summertime, where would you go?

Were _____________________________________.

four.If I was to go a vet, I'd find putting animals down very difficult.

Were _____________________________________.

v.The earth would be much ameliorate off if all ecology pollution stopped today.

Were _____________________________________.

six.If the hole in the ozone layer had been discovered sooner, fewer people would have got pare cancer.

Had _____________________________________.

7.I wouldn't accept become a instructor if I hadn't had such a good English teacher at schoolhouse.

Had _____________________________________.

J If a line is right, put a tick (✓) next to the number. If there is an extra word in a line, write it next to the number.

Being an only child

1_______I'm an only child. People often say to me:'Wouldn't you be a lot

2_______happier if you have had brothers and sisters?' but I don't see it like that.

3_______It's truthful that if I had had a brother or sis, I would take someone closer

4_______to my own historic period to talk to and play with at habitation, simply I don't remember that's

5_______very of import provided for you have close friends, which I do. If my

6_______parents would had more children, they wouldn't exist able to spend so much

7_______time with me. And nosotros have peachy fun together! Besides, except if I had a

8_______brother or sister, I'd have it to share a sleeping room with them.That might be

9_______fun, but what would happen if I wanted to play my CDs and he or she had

10_______to study? No -1 don't want a blood brother or sister, unless it will happens, of

course. In that case, I'll recollect it'south the best thing in the world!

Unit of measurement 10                            Vocabulary

People and Society

Topic vocabulary in dissimilarity                                                          see page 189 for definitions

relationship / connection support / assist visitor / grouping
blame/fault kind / polite pop/famous
quondam/ancient sympathetic / likeable typical / usual / ordinary
oversupply / audience nervous / bad-tempered close / nearly
enjoy / please sensitive / sensible unknown / infamous

Phrasal verbs

ask after ask for news about make up become friends again after an statement bring upwardly look after a child until he or she becomes an adult pass away die fall for fall in love with; believe (a lie/play a trick on/etc) choice on keep treating someone badly or unfairly autumn out (with) take an statement with and finish being friends put down criticise, make someone feel stupid get on (with) have a good relationship (with) settle down go calm after being upset, etc; stay in one place or go married and live quietly abound up get older stand up for back up in an argument or fight look down on think that you are better than take aback surprise (unremarkably in passive phonation) look upwards to adore and respect

Phrases and collocations

approval testify/requite (your) approval of/for sth; come across with sb's approval
argument take an argument (with sb) (about sth/doing); win/lose an argument
care have care (of sth/sb); care for/about sth/sb
backbone have the backbone to do; it takes courage to exercise
disguise in disguise; wearable a disguise; disguise yourself; disguised as sth/sb
dream have a dream (about sth/sb/doing); fantasize;dream of/about doing
family unit have/outset a family unit; nuclear family; extended family
favour do/owe sb a favour; be in favour of
friend make/become/exist/stay friends (with sb); best friend
love be/autumn in beloved with sb
mood in a good/bad mood; in the ri^ht/incorrect mood; in the mood for sth
compassion pity sb; take pity on sb; feel pity for sb; it'due south a pity (that)
hope promise to do; requite/make sb a hope; break a/your promise

Give-and-take patterns

agree with/on/to sth; concur with sb; agree to do; agree that strength sb to do sth;force sb into sth/doing
allow sb to practise; allow sth contained of/from sth
approve of sth/doing; approve sth let sb do sth
ask sb sth; inquire sb to do sth (for yous); enquire about/for sth; ask if/whether object to sth/doing
attack sth; assault sb for sth/doing; an attack on sth/sb pretend to be; pretend to do; pretend that
ban sb from sth/doing; ban sth rely on sth/sb
convince sb (of sth); convince sb to do; convince sb that

Word germination

able unable, (in)power, disabled, inability happy unhappy, (un)happiness, (united nations)happily obey disobey, (dis)obedient(ly), (dis)obedience
achieve achievement jealous jealousy, jealously person (im)personal(ly), personality
argue argument, argumentative kind unkind, (un)kindness, kindly polite impolite, (im)politely, (im)politeness
care careful(ly),careless(ly), (un)caring marry matrimony, (united nations)married chronicle relative(ly), relation, human relationship
correspond correspondence nerve nervous(ly), nervousness willing unwilling, (un)willingness, (un)willingly
friend friendship, (un)friendly


Source: https://lektsia.com/13x608b.html

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