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Check out all Online Thangka Courses at the School for Tibetan Buddhist Art

"Drawing the Buddha in such a special way touched me very deeply. "

"You are doing such special work. Thank you again for the way in which you are guiding me."

"I Moved to a Higher Level."

"Profound impact on visualization meditation."

"Wonderful presentation of dharma."

"Wonderful tradition being passed on in time. An honor to participate."

"Opened me to possibilities through Buddhism and actually was able to create meaningful art."

"Carmen was an engaging and knowledgeable teacher."

"Carmen is both a talented teacher and artist."

"Love this subject. Love the feeling and sensitivity to the lines and form."

"Clear & simple with the indepth essence of a profound meditation!"

"Carmen is a spiritual gift, and she is brilliant, noble, kind & clear. Her teaching is done with clarity and kindness."

"A great introduction to Buddhism + Tibetan Art. Lots of fun!!! Carmen is a warm + knowledgable teacher!"

"It has really deepened my practice and appreciation for Tibetan art, in a way that reading a book on the subject never has."

"Loved the integration of dharma and art. When I look at a Thangka now, I understand at a deep level what is being communicated. "

Creating a painting for the Dalai Lama

The past three times that His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited The Netherlands (2009, 2014 and 2018), Carmen Mensink is asked to welcome him in a special way by creating a large (9 meter / 30 feet long) special painting of the Eight Auspicious Symbols.

Miroirs de l'Γ’me

Interview with Carmen Mensink in Dutch and the French edition of Happinez Magazine, Le Premier Mindstyle Magazine: "Pour les bouddhistes, une rΓ©presentation d'un bouddha n'est pas qu'une simple image, c'est une Γ©nergie vivante"

> Check out more on Carmen Mensink in the Media

Thangka Courses all over the world

Each fall, Carmen offers a thangka course in Venice, Italy, according to her the most beautiful city on earth. The next course there will be in 2021

Venue overview
Carmen Mensink offers workshops, retreats, lectures and guided tours on Buddhist Art at many places around the world. Check here if she comes to a place near you.

> Check out all the places where Carmen teaches [/su_row]

Thangka Painting Retreats

People from all over the world come together to enjoy the Tibetan Drawing & Painting Retreats that, with the meditation sessions and lectures on Buddhist art & symbolism are an in-depth experience. Lodging and all meals are included, as well as the beautiful surroundings, the wonderful food, and the new friendships that you will make! No drawing/painting experience needed.

> Check out all upcoming thangka courses

Private Thangka Courses
Carmen Mensink also offers individual thangka drawing & painting courses at her studio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, for 1-4 persons. Dates, times and subject in consultation with you.

Click on the image for more information.

Scroll paintings of Buddhas & Mandalas in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition

This site shows Carmen Mensink's Thangka Paintings and the Thangka Drawing & Painting Courses that she offers in many different countries – most of them are also suitable for people with no drawing or painting skills whatsoever.

Carmen can also be commissioned to paint a thangka of your choice, or to let her gild & paint your Buddha statues, according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. In the Thangka Shop you can find presents for yourself and others.

> Check out the Tibetan Thangka Artwork

Carmen explains her passion for Thangka Painting in this short video made by Happinez, after the articles about Carmen and her artwork in Happinez Magazine in Dutch and in French.

Mandala of the Buddha of Compassion. Click on the image for info.

Buddha ColoringTibetan Buddhist Art

In Tibet, the painting of thangkas was an important and highly developed means of expression through which the entire Buddhist philosophy could be explained. And it still has this function: thangkas are used in temples & monasteries and are hung above the altars to support the Buddhist meditation and practice.
The Chinese invasion in Tibet in the 1950's and the destruction of a lot of old Tibetan traditions and monasteries makes it even more important to keep this beautiful tradition alive and pure.

> Read more on the History of Tibetan Thangka Painting

Classes & Courses


Carmen Mensink offers workshops in Tibetan Buddhist Art in Europe, United States and Asia.

Most courses are for both beginners and advanced, and all courses come with a guided meditation, slide shows and talks on the symbolism of the subject (a Tibetan Buddha, Mandala or Symbol), and a lot of individual guidance.

Carmen offers day classes and weekend courses in Buddha drawing, as well as in-depth thangka painting retreats that last a week or longer.

> Check out the upcoming Buddhist Art Classes

Private Workshops


She also offers individual teachings on thangka drawing and painting, for those who rather work one on one with a teacher instead of being in a group. There's a lot of guidance and a lot of time to answer your questions.
Private classes can be taken by the more advanced students as well as the ones who have never even touched a pencil in their life (and will be surprised about their hidden talents!)


> More on Private Thangka Teachings

Art & Testimonials

Carmen passes on the Art of Tibetan Thangka to her students with a lot of joy and dedication.She inspires them to reach their full potential in art and at the same time inspires them to go inside, meditate and check their mind and work on its potential, according to the Buddhist philosophy – which is inseparable from Buddhist Art.

It doesn't matter if people have drawing and painting experience or not, most important is the joy they experience during the courses and what's going on inside themselves – which undoubtedly will be expressed in their artwork.

> More Student Artwork & Testimonials

What else can I find on this website?
Besides the artwork in the form of Thangka Paintings of Buddhas and Mandalas, Thangka Drawings and other artwork by Carmen Mensink such as painting Mantras on Mani Stones, you can find so much more on this website, such as:

Tibetan Buddhist Mandalas

A Tibetan Buddhist Mandala is a diagram of geometric patterns. Each Buddha has his own mandala, which can be seen as the universe or palace in which the particular deity resides.
Each part of a Tibetan mandala has deep symbolism behind it, which you will learn during the mandala drawing and painting classes with Carmen Mensink.

Lectures and Articles on Tibetan Buddhist Art

During her classes, Carmen always gives one or more slide shows and talks on the subject, for example a Buddha and his mantra, to explain the meaning and symbolism behind it.
She is also regularly asked to give lectures on different subjects in Tibetan Buddhist Art, at museums, universities and Buddhist centers, and writes articles on Buddhist Art, which are added to the Media & Publications page.

Check out the Thangka Art Blogs:

May all sentient beings be happy and free from suffering

... Om Mani Padme Hum!

Mike Adamo

Good energy!

"I'm still carrying the good energy from the course. Thank you! Also still amazed at the steps that were layed out for me to receive that energy and be surrounded by all of you. I am truly blessed!"

Good energy!

"I'm still carrying the good energy from the course. Thank you! Also still amazed at the steps that were layed out for me to receive that energy and be surrounded by all of you. I am truly blessed!"

Mike Adamo

Theresa Gaimaro

Thank you for the inspiration!

"Always enjoy my time with you when you are in NY!! I am going to replace my desk with a drafting table, so I can continue with my work. Thank you for the inspiration!  I look forward to seeing you next year and each year after whether it's in NY or another country."

Thank you for the inspiration!

"Always enjoy my time with you when you are in NY!! I am going to replace my desk with a drafting table, so I can continue with my work. Thank you for the inspiration!  I look forward to seeing you next year and each year after whether it's in NY or another country."

Theresa Gaimaro

Trudi de Kok

Een aanrader!!!!!!

Ik bezoek nu al ruim zeven jaar workshops bij Carmen, en ben nog lang niet uitgeleerd. Hoe meer je je in deze materie verdiept, des te fascinerender deze wordt. Thangkatekenen is een bijzondere en geweldige hobby, en Carmen is een fantastische docent, gedreven, maar ook heel helder in haar uitleg en…

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Een aanrader!!!!!!

Ik bezoek nu al ruim zeven jaar workshops bij Carmen, en ben nog lang niet uitgeleerd. Hoe meer je je in deze materie verdiept, des te fascinerender deze wordt. Thangkatekenen is een bijzondere en geweldige hobby, en Carmen is een fantastische docent, gedreven, maar ook heel helder in haar uitleg en inspirerend qua begeleiding. Een aanrader!!!!!!

Trudi de Kok

Laura Sloan

Interesting and informative trainings and lectures for our educators

"I am thankful to have been working with Carmen since I started at the Rubin Museum in 2011. We are happy to welcome her each year when she travels to New York. She has led interesting and informative trainings and lectures for our educators, as well as thangka painting classes, and demonstrat…

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Interesting and informative trainings and lectures for our educators

"I am thankful to have been working with Carmen since I started at the Rubin Museum in 2011. We are happy to welcome her each year when she travels to New York. She has led interesting and informative trainings and lectures for our educators, as well as thangka painting classes, and demonstrations for our annual Block Party.

One of our favorite sessions was her training on Mandalas, which provided clarity to a very complicated subject. She patiently explored the artwork and symbolism in an engaging and accessible manner. It is interesting to learn about the art and materials from her perspective as an artist and thangka painter.

In my role of scheduling, and overseeing trainings for our educators, working with her has been delightful. She has been flexible and adaptable with a variety of subjects and adjusted her trainings accordingly.

She is deeply connected to her work and her passion is evident in the quality and vibrancy of her lectures.

We hope to schedule another session next time she is in New York, and we would love to have her back for another talk at the Rubin Museum."

Laura Sloan


Wai Fong

One of the greatest experiences I have ever had

It was my first time attending Carmen's Thangka painting retreat and it turned out to be one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. Carmen was able to attend to individual's needs although it was a big class of participants with mixed experiences. I also loved it that Carmen not on…

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One of the greatest experiences I have ever had

It was my first time attending Carmen's Thangka painting retreat and it turned out to be one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. Carmen was able to attend to individual's needs although it was a big class of participants with mixed experiences. I also loved it that Carmen not only taught us how to do Thangka painting, she made sure that we understood the symbolism of the deities that we were painting through the daily morning meditation and evening lectures. She also made special efforts to introduce Sri Lankan Buddhism art history to us to prepare us for our tour after the painting retreat. It was a great 10 days with an inspiring teacher, great company, wonderful accommodation at a meditation centre with delicious meals. Can't ask for more!

Wai Fong

Sylvia Schmidt

Gave me the confidence to improve my drawing skills

So far I did several courses with Carmen Mensink. I am impressed about her devotion to buddism and her profound knowledge about it. All courses start with a teaching and meditation. It helped me to deepen my knowledge and gave me the confidence to improve my drawing skills. I appreciate her kindness…

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Gave me the confidence to improve my drawing skills

So far I did several courses with Carmen Mensink. I am impressed about her devotion to buddism and her profound knowledge about it. All courses start with a teaching and meditation. It helped me to deepen my knowledge and gave me the confidence to improve my drawing skills. I appreciate her kindness and patience. I am struggling a lot drawing eyes, but during the last course, Chenrezig, it went much better and I am proud of the eyes. Thank you Carmen.

Sylvia Schmidt

Amy Bryan

So much more than 'just' an art class

"I had the extreme pleasure of taking three classes with Carmen Mensink this spring in NYC. I am the veteran of many fine art classes over the years, but this is the first time that I have felt compelled to write a testimonial about one. From the minute I met her, I knew Carmen was a woman fro…

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So much more than 'just' an art class

"I had the extreme pleasure of taking three classes with Carmen Mensink this spring in NYC. I am the veteran of many fine art classes over the years, but this is the first time that I have felt compelled to write a testimonial about one. From the minute I met her, I knew Carmen was a woman from whom I could learn something truly special and different, which is not something I say lightly. I am not easily impressed. πŸ™‚ After taking her amulet making class, I was sufficiently curious to see what else she had on offer, and after just one lecture, I could tell that my ability to learn from her was virtually unlimited.

Carmen's classes are so much more than "just" an art class. Her knowledge, love and reverence for the highly-symbolic, traditional Tibetan devotional art called thangka is apparent in everything she does. Along with high-level, professional instruction in traditional drawing, painting and crafting methods, students learn about the history and cultural background of the deity they are depicting, including the mantras, prayers and attributes attributed to these religious figures. Rather than creating these images in a vacuum, our work is grounded in an understanding of their significance within Tibetan Buddhism. Carmen creates a spiritual space to work in that can only be described as magical. The meditative nature of art is a focus, as is the thought that creation be rooted in intention. The art produced in such an environment feels sacred.

The amount of effort, preparation, skill and planning involved in this approach to instruction is apparent, and it's clear that teaching is an avocation for Carmen. It is done thoughtfully, with spirit, purpose and a sincerity that stands out.

No matter the level of skill and experience a student has, everyone is made to feel welcome and special, and is treated with complete respect. At the same time, Carmen is warm, friendly, unpretentious (despite having real bona fides as a recognized expert in her field) and intelligent, and has a sense of humor, so the class is relaxed and fun. Carmen has many students who have studied with her for years, and some have artwork that they only work on while she is visiting the city. It's a testament to the value of Carmen's presence and technical expertise that she has such a strong following."

Amy Bryan

Sylvia Schmidt

Teacher with a lot of patience and devotion

I started drawing Vasudhara, Buddhist bodhisattva of wealth, prosperity, and abundance in November 2019 during a retreat at the Maitreya Institute in Loenen, the Netherlands. In February 2020 I did the Retreat at the Paramita Meditation Center in Sri Lanka and a 4 days round tour trip. The Paramita…

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Teacher with a lot of patience and devotion

I started drawing Vasudhara, Buddhist bodhisattva of wealth, prosperity, and abundance in November 2019 during a retreat at the Maitreya Institute in Loenen, the Netherlands. In February 2020 I did the Retreat at the Paramita Meditation Center in Sri Lanka and a 4 days round tour trip. The Paramita Meditation Center is the perfect place for meditation and Thangka Painting, a very quiet place with a beautiful garden and wonderful people. I started coloring my Vasudhara during this retreat. Carmen had made a perfect schedule with meditations, enough time to draw/ color and lectures. Her knowledge and devotion is outstanding. She is having a lot of patience and a teacher with a deep devotion of the topic. She provided me a lot of help to make a very nice drawing. I am very proud and happy that I decided to do this retreat. Next to it, the round tour trip was perfectly organised and Sri Lanka is such a beautiful country. If you love Buddhism and Buddhas that is the play to go. It was a wonderful time and perfect retreat. Thank you so much Carmen, I am a blessed person.

Sylvia Schmidt

Karin Wesseling

Werkelijk een superweekend!

Vrijdagmiddag 24 januari 2020 op weg naar Den Haag voor de workshop het boeddha gezicht. Best wel spannend want ik heb alleen ervaring met mandala tekenen. Gelukkig stelde Carmen mij gelijk op mijn gemak dat het goed zou komen. En aan het resultaat te zien is dat goed gelukt. Daarna op zaterdag en z…

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Werkelijk een superweekend!

Vrijdagmiddag 24 januari 2020 op weg naar Den Haag voor de workshop het boeddha gezicht. Best wel spannend want ik heb alleen ervaring
met mandala tekenen. Gelukkig stelde Carmen mij gelijk op mijn gemak dat het goed zou komen. En aan het resultaat te zien is dat goed gelukt. Daarna op zaterdag en zondag de boeddha Chenrezig workshop. Beginnen de dag met een uitgebreide meditatie en daarna heerlijk tekenen in een ontspannen maar zeer geconcentreerde sfeer. Tussendoor nog uitleg met diapresentatie en tussendoor genoeg begeleiding met het tekenen. Werkelijk een superweekend waarin ik veel kennis heb opgedaan en een prachtige tekening heb opgezet. Zeker voor herhaling vatbaar!

Karin Wesseling

Xie Jing

Extremely patient teacher

One specific thing that I love about learning Thangka from Carmen, is that she introduce the practice of every deities that we are going to paint in detail, making it easier to connect with the object and understand the teaching of the deities and the Buddhas before drawing the Buddha, overall, it…

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Extremely patient teacher

One specific thing that I love about learning Thangka from Carmen, is that she introduce the practice of every deities that we are going to paint in detail, making it easier to connect with the object and understand the teaching of the deities and the Buddhas before drawing the Buddha, overall, it's meditative experience, and Carmen is a extremely patient teacher. I am so glad I found her and learning this wonderful art from her.

Xie Jing

Maura Doorenbosch

I came without any previous drawing experience

I came without any previous drawing experience, but everything was extremely well explained. I was happily surprised with the outcome of my artwork. Carmen was a very patient teacher who also gave us a lot of interesting philosophy on Thangka art. I have definitely learned a lot during her workshop…

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I came without any previous drawing experience

I came without any previous drawing experience, but everything was extremely well explained. I was happily surprised with the outcome of my artwork. Carmen was a very patient teacher who also gave us a lot of interesting philosophy on Thangka art. I have definitely learned a lot during her workshop and really enjoyed going home with my first self made piece of art.

Maura Doorenbosch


You learn so much

Each class with Carmen is a blessing. She is a patient and kind teacher. You learn so much about not only drawing techniques, but about the greater philosophy and peace which comes from Buddhist practice. The most powerful moment is seeing how each person began with the same instructions and how the…

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You learn so much

Each class with Carmen is a blessing. She is a patient and kind teacher. You learn so much about not only drawing techniques, but about the greater philosophy and peace which comes from Buddhist practice. The most powerful moment is seeing how each person began with the same instructions and how the results are so different becoming infused with the individual's spirit.


Valeria Kiraly

Surpassed my expectations

I loved that the course was very well rounded with information about the medicine Buddha and all the extra things. It gave me a wonderful sense of being closer to the sacred aspect of drawing a Buddha. I especially loved that I had a guided meditation to begin every drawing session…what a true…

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Surpassed my expectations

I loved that the course was very well rounded with information about the medicine Buddha and all the extra things. It gave me a wonderful sense of being closer to the sacred aspect of drawing a Buddha.
I especially loved that I had a guided meditation to begin every drawing session…what a true blessing!
This course surpassed my expectations and I have recommended it to several friends.

Valeria Kiraly

Peggy Sue McRae

A whole month to access the material

I thought the videos were beautifully made, visually appealing and clear to follow and learn from. I appreciated how different aspects of the course, art process, history and culture, understanding and use of the mantra, and the guided meditation all supported each other. My expectation was to creat…

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A whole month to access the material

I thought the videos were beautifully made, visually appealing and clear to follow and learn from.
I appreciated how different aspects of the course, art process, history and culture, understanding and use of the mantra, and the guided meditation all supported each other.
My expectation was to create a drawing and that expectation was met. The guided meditation was an unexpected treasure.

I was glad we had a whole month to access the material.
As a single person living by myself out in the woods under quarantine I consistently under estimated how much I would be interrupted. Even worse when outside interruptions stopped I would manage to interrupt myself!
Creating blocks of time to be in retreat mode was a challenge but very rewarding when I managed to do it.

Peggy Sue McRae


A challenging topic assimilated for modern Western mind

Carmen is well experienced and supportive teacher who has ability to explain things with clarity and involvement. The course consists of few balanced parts, each part jows from the previous one and it's composed in balanced way with beautiful simplicity and saving depth of traditional knowledg…

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A challenging topic assimilated for modern Western mind

Carmen is well experienced and supportive teacher who has ability to explain things with clarity and involvement. The course consists of few balanced parts, each part jows from the previous one and it's composed in balanced way with beautiful simplicity and saving depth of traditional knowledge.

It makes challenging topic of painting Tibetan thankas easy to assimilate for modern Western mind.


Joyce Isabelle

I didn't think I could draw a full Buddha. It was a great experience

The course felt thorough. Carmen is adept at instruction and encouragement! I loved learning about the mantra. I learned a lot in my one-on-one Zoom session. I didn't think I could draw a full Buddha. It was a great experience. I learned a lot about thangka methods, working with pencil, and colors….

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I didn't think I could draw a full Buddha. It was a great experience

The course felt thorough. Carmen is adept at instruction and encouragement!
I loved learning about the mantra. I learned a lot in my one-on-one Zoom session.

I didn't think I could draw a full Buddha. It was a great experience. I learned a lot about thangka methods, working with pencil, and colors. In addition, learned about the Medicine Buddha and his mantra, plants, symbolism.
Thank you Carmen!

Joyce Isabelle

Nancy Fritz

Carmen did a good job with transitioning the course on-line

I expected the course to be similar to the White Tara course I took previously. I think Carmen did a good job with transitioning the course on-line. I enjoyed the lecture information along with the drawing instructions and mediations. The breakdown of the drawing sessions were quite useful. I would…

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Carmen did a good job with transitioning the course on-line

I expected the course to be similar to the White Tara course I took previously. I think Carmen did a good job with transitioning the course on-line. I enjoyed the lecture information along with the drawing instructions and mediations.

The breakdown of the drawing sessions were quite useful. I would say though the information in the lecture and private Zoom session were most valuable for the understanding drawing and the Medicine Buddha.

Thank you again Carmen for offering the course on-line. I enjoyed this class and would love to take another class with you.

Nancy Fritz

Anna De Schutter

I knew it would be great again!

I loved doing this course. I knew it would be great again! I knew more or less what to expect and the course was again very well structured. I very much appreciated the mantra and the singing, it took me into another state of mind, so it was easier for me to focus.

I knew it would be great again!

I loved doing this course. I knew it would be great again!
I knew more or less what to expect and the course was again very well structured.

I very much appreciated the mantra and the singing, it took me into another state of mind, so it was easier for me to focus.

Anna De Schutter

Boxia Wang

I enjoyed this course a lot!

I enjoyed this course a lot! I have been wanting to learn Thangka since 1 year ago, and was hesitate to draw the face of Buddha following the pictures I found online. I'm so grateful that I waited for a year and this is exactly the course I am looking for. It is very helpful to do the meditati…

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I enjoyed this course a lot!

I enjoyed this course a lot! I have been wanting to learn Thangka since 1 year ago, and was hesitate to draw the face of Buddha following the pictures I found online. I'm so grateful that I waited for a year and this is exactly the course I am looking for.

It is very helpful to do the meditation before the class, because I got too excited about the class and my mind is so full that the meditation helped to calm me down and to set the right motivation.

Boxia Wang

Deborah Ireland

A good balance of instruction and practice

The course had a good flow and a good balance of instruction and practice

A good balance of instruction and practice

The course had a good flow and a good balance of instruction and practice

Deborah Ireland

Ferne Parmenter

Very helpful to replay the videos

The First time I ever saw a Tibetan Thangka, I immediately wanted to learn more about it. My expectations were met with this course because it was much harder than I thought it would be, it was such a fun challenge to draw a balanced face using the grid system. I did like the combination of the diff…

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Very helpful to replay the videos

The First time I ever saw a Tibetan Thangka, I immediately wanted to learn more about it. My expectations were met with this course because it was much harder than I thought it would be, it was such a fun challenge to draw a balanced face using the grid system.
I did like the combination of the different elements in this course. I really liked them and wasn't expecting the mediations or the Tibetan mantras.
The lectures were very informative without being too much information at once. Good bite-size chinks of information. Then I was happily lost in time as I drew.

It was very helpful that I could replay the videos to see and hear the instructions multiple times so I could follow along and not feel lost or left behind. I could really find my own pace.

Ferne Parmenter

Adda Hernandez

I am not a painter but the Buddha came out very much alive and beautiful

I just wanted to explore buddhism spirituality by learning to painting buddhism art. And in reality this is the second drawing I have done apart from my cat, so with this I just want to say that I am not a painter but the Buddha Carmen teach us how to draw came out very much alive and beautiful. And…

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I am not a painter but the Buddha came out very much alive and beautiful

I just wanted to explore buddhism spirituality by learning to painting buddhism art. And in reality this is the second drawing I have done apart from my cat, so with this I just want to say that I am not a painter but the Buddha Carmen teach us how to draw came out very much alive and beautiful. And I am deeply thankful to Carmen for offering this class online.

Adda Hernandez

Albel Sarmiento Cobo

Love every step!

Love every step, very clear the way make it to learn thangka!

Love every step!

Love every step, very clear the way make it to learn thangka!

Albel Sarmiento Cobo

Teresa McDowell

In depth course like I would receive if I were there in person

I enjoy the combination of all the different elements. I feel that it is a rather detailed and in depth course like I would receive if I were there in person. I actually found the meditating the most useful to me. I suffer from anxiety and noticed that I was calmer after every session. I was also in…

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In depth course like I would receive if I were there in person

I enjoy the combination of all the different elements. I feel that it is a rather detailed and in depth course like I would receive if I were there in person.

I actually found the meditating the most useful to me. I suffer from anxiety and noticed that I was calmer after every session. I was also interested in the background of Tibetan medicine. So much so, that I even ordered a few books on the subject.

Teresa McDowell

Krystine Alkermann

I walk alongside Carmen for realize my dream of painting a thangka

It's a chance to be able to participate in online courses with carmen! I can only move very little because my job and my family are involved. My family knows the importance for me to continue to walk alongside Carmen for realize my dream of painting a thangka one day. The carmen lessons are of…

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I walk alongside Carmen for realize my dream of painting a thangka

It's a chance to be able to participate in online courses with carmen! I can only move very little because my job and my family are involved. My family knows the importance for me to continue to walk alongside Carmen for realize my dream of painting a thangka one day. The carmen lessons are of an excellent level.

I hope to be able to continue. I will finish the color to my buddha of medicine and then I hope to be able to make tara!!

Also the guided meditations and historical explanations were so valuable. For me everything is designed to bring us gently towards the realization of our work and in understanding what each gesture means. It is ideal.

Krystine Alkermann

Kanti Arani

Liked the special zoom session to understand the colouring techniques

This session was structured very well to understand the iconography and how to draw the full Buddha body. I really enjoyed the transformation of grid to the full body figure as we go on the course step by step. I reall liked the way Carmen explained drawing feet and hands in this course. I also like…

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Liked the special zoom session to understand the colouring techniques

This session was structured very well to understand the iconography and how to draw the full Buddha body. I really enjoyed the transformation of grid to the full body figure as we go on the course step by step.

I reall liked the way Carmen explained drawing feet and hands in this course.
I also liked the special zoom session she took to help me understand the colouring techniques.

Kanti Arani

Moira McCaul

Like taking a class with you in person!

I wanted to learn about the symbolism and iconography behind the Medicine Buddha and of course the proper proportions. I think it was very apt to have a course on him at this time considering the global pandemic. The class was perfect! It met all my expectations. I really enjoyed how it was broken u…

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Like taking a class with you in person!

I wanted to learn about the symbolism and iconography behind the Medicine Buddha and of course the proper proportions. I think it was very apt to have a course on him at this time considering the global pandemic. The class was perfect! It met all my expectations.

I really enjoyed how it was broken up into different modules. It was almost like taking a class with you in person! Your calm demeanor and positive energy even came through in the videos!

Moira McCaul


Hints and tips of how to actually do it

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and find the Buddhist teaching element and spirituality excellent. My aspirations were simply to be able to draw a presentable Medicine Buddha in the first instance and I'm happy I achieved that. The guided drawing in stages with hints and tips of how to actuall…

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Hints and tips of how to actually do it

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and find the Buddhist teaching element and spirituality excellent. My aspirations were simply to be able to draw a presentable Medicine Buddha in the first instance and I'm happy I achieved that.

The guided drawing in stages with hints and tips of how to actually do it and in what order have been invaluable. Its possible to go out and buy a book but without this clear instruction, guidance and indeed lineage working from a book is very impersonal and open to interpretation.

I feel Carmen struck a great balance and this online course has great artistic and authenticity value.


Jennifer Selkow

Far exceeding my expectations!

I loved the depth of this course: intention meditation, mantras, learning about the history of Thangka and Tibetan medicine, the meaning of symbolism, dedication meditation… I didn't just learn how to draw the Medicine Buddha, but have gained a rich spiritual practice. Your course was am…

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Far exceeding my expectations!

I loved the depth of this course: intention meditation, mantras, learning about the history of Thangka and Tibetan medicine, the meaning of symbolism, dedication meditation… I didn't just learn how to draw the Medicine Buddha, but have gained a rich spiritual practice. Your course was amazing, far exceeding my expectations!

Jennifer Selkow

Maria E.

It was such a special time for me!

The course exceeded my expectations. So much information on the history and detailed instruction that I really enjoyed, especially for drawing the hands and feet, I so appreciated it. The mantra recitation was really beautiful! I absolutely love the Meditations and the sacredness with which you hand…

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It was such a special time for me!

The course exceeded my expectations. So much information on the history and detailed instruction that I really enjoyed, especially for drawing the hands and feet, I so appreciated it. The mantra recitation was really beautiful!

I absolutely love the Meditations and the sacredness with which you handle and deliver the course material, Carmen! I loved every aspect of the course and it was such a blessing to be able to go over material I needed to review again and again!

Also, the fact that you offered the course online was so helpful since with the pandemic no onsite courses were available! Still miss the interaction with you in person and with the other students but I am so grateful I could immerse myself in drawing sacred art! It was such a special time for me!

Maria E.


Not just a "drawing"course

I really enjoyed the course and the focus on Buddhist traditions particularly as they relate to thangkas, methods and lineage. Its not just a "drawing"course but an education on the buddhist path to enlightenment through traditional thangka art.

Not just a "drawing"course

I really enjoyed the course and the focus on Buddhist traditions particularly as they relate to thangkas, methods and lineage. Its not just a "drawing"course but an education on the buddhist path to enlightenment through traditional thangka art.


David Ekins

The online medium worked really well

Really enjoyed this class. I thought the online medium worked really well, as i travel alot its hard to get away at a certain time to do the onsite instructions, so i am glad i can continue learning from you Carmen.

The online medium worked really well

Really enjoyed this class.
I thought the online medium worked really well, as i travel alot its hard to get away at a certain time to do the onsite instructions, so i am glad i can continue learning from you Carmen.

David Ekins


Well structured and detailed explanations available for each step

My expectations going into the course where to get more in touch with the aspects of buddhism regarding the drawing of the Buddha. I was surprised on how well structured and detailed explanations were available for each step. The history before the drawing classes i believe add so much value because…

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Well structured and detailed explanations available for each step

My expectations going into the course where to get more in touch with the aspects of buddhism regarding the drawing of the Buddha.
I was surprised on how well structured and detailed explanations were available for each step.
The history before the drawing classes i believe add so much value because it brings the attention of the importance and significance of this tradition. On top of that, meditation was key to focus and be able to concentrate on the class.



Being able to look back several times to the Iconography and the Colours

I already followed an onsite course of drawing the Buddha Face in Den Haag. But now I had more time and being able to look back several times to the Iconography and the Colours was one of the aspects I really appreciated.

Being able to look back several times to the Iconography and the Colours

I already followed an onsite course of drawing the Buddha Face in Den Haag.
But now I had more time and being able to look back several times to the Iconography and the Colours was one of the aspects I really appreciated.



I knew this course would be awesome, however you far exceeded that expectation

I had a little peek at your free medicine buddha lecture.. So in my heart i knew this course would be awesome.. However you far exceeded that expectation.. i love the combination of story meditation, pictures, and bonus materials.. and yay i get to sing the mantra with you… loved your approach…

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I knew this course would be awesome, however you far exceeded that expectation

I had a little peek at your free medicine buddha lecture.. So in my heart i knew this course would be awesome.. However you far exceeded that expectation..
i love the combination of story meditation, pictures, and bonus materials.. and yay i get to sing the mantra with you…

loved your approach beginning with meditation, your through explanations of words meanings, and story.. and wow even you can pray in tibetan language. the language is art in itself, the art,language, prayer, meditation, story, all In one.. so beautiful yet you are bringing this to a wider audience. Our world needs so much healing.. big gratitude for your heart…

beautifully done…hope to see more courses in the future, I'm already signed up for medicine buddha thangka course so excited…


Yong Shou Ying

I never imagine I could draw a Buddha

I came with an open mind and did not have any expectation. I just want to learn some thing new and enjoy the process. I started with meditation before I drew the gridlines and Buddha face in pencil. It helped to keep my mood calm and balance. I never imagine I could draw a Buddha and it is close to…

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I never imagine I could draw a Buddha

I came with an open mind and did not have any expectation. I just want to learn some thing new and enjoy the process. I started with meditation before I drew the gridlines and Buddha face in pencil. It helped to keep my mood calm and balance. I never imagine I could draw a Buddha and it is close to symmetrical. I enjoy the process and it freed my mind and I am totally immersed in drawing. Every little step completed is a triumph for me and some times I would admire it before I progress the next step. The lectures give me insight and understanding in the art and buddhist tradition. The videos in showing how to draw were really good as gives me a good guide to follow.

I wish this tradition continues to flourish and more get to appreciate the tradition and this course.
It is so helpful especially in such time where technology is overwhelming and simple things can be taken for granted. Thank you for having this online course!

Yong Shou Ying

Teresa McDowell

Pleasantly surprised – I'm glad that I got to participate

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. I liked how the art lessons were broken down so that I didn't feel overwhelmed. I also enjoyed learning about the history of the Thangka, and participating in the meditations. I feel that it was an all around great course, and…

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Pleasantly surprised – I'm glad that I got to participate

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. I liked how the art lessons were broken down so that I didn't feel overwhelmed. I also enjoyed learning about the history of the Thangka, and participating in the meditations. I feel that it was an all around great course, and I'm glad that I got to participate.
I feel that the drawing video was the most useful to me. I liked how the individual lines were shown step by step on the video.

Teresa McDowell


Opportunity to do this with such an excellent teacher, in a way that I could afford

I was so happy to find this course and this teacher especially at this moment. This is something I've wanted to study for most of my life. To have the opportunity to do this with such an excellent teacher, in a way that I could afford, and not have to travel made it all possible. I am currentl…

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Opportunity to do this with such an excellent teacher, in a way that I could afford

I was so happy to find this course and this teacher especially at this moment. This is something I've wanted to study for most of my life. To have the opportunity to do this with such an excellent teacher, in a way that I could afford, and not have to travel made it all possible. I am currently unemployed and so the finances are difficult but this was a reasonable cost, so I am grateful.
I loved learning the history and the context and the symbolism, and how to meditate with the thangka. I loved seeing other's creations.


Sophia Procofieff

Very well structured

I liked very much the path and combination of lectures, meditations and sessions. I have been interested in taking this kind of course for a long time and found it very well structured.

Very well structured

I liked very much the path and combination of lectures, meditations and sessions. I have been interested in taking this kind of course for a long time and found it very well structured.

Sophia Procofieff

Yvonne van Vliet

You have to experience it yourself!

I really enjoy the courses of Carmen. Can't describe how peaceful and fulfilling it is, you have to experience it yourself!

You have to experience it yourself!

I really enjoy the courses of Carmen. Can't describe how peaceful and fulfilling it is, you have to experience it yourself!

Yvonne van Vliet

Marion Koelman

Heel fijne en inspirerende workshop

Een heel fijne en inspirerende workshop. Ook heel fijne goed begeleide meditaties, Carmen legde alles heel rustig en duidelijk uit. De documentaties en films/ documentaires waren heel interessant en goed gekozen. We kregen heerlijk te eten en hadden een fijne eigen kamer.

Heel fijne en inspirerende workshop

Een heel fijne en inspirerende workshop. Ook heel fijne goed begeleide meditaties, Carmen legde alles heel rustig en duidelijk uit. De documentaties en films/ documentaires waren heel interessant en goed gekozen.
We kregen heerlijk te eten en hadden een fijne eigen kamer.

Marion Koelman

JosΓ© Botterhuis

Made some nice drawings which I am very proud of

It was great to participate in the workshop thanka painting with Carmen Mensink. I made some nice drawings which I am very proud of. Thanks Carmen for your loving kindness, and clear instructions.

Made some nice drawings which I am very proud of

It was great to participate in the workshop thanka painting with Carmen Mensink.
I made some nice drawings which I am very proud of.
Thanks Carmen for your loving kindness, and clear instructions.

JosΓ© Botterhuis

Jacqueline Hovius

Met dank aan Carmen voor haar passie en ervaring

Met dank aan Carmen voor haar passie en ervaring om mij en de andere deelnemers (fijne groep vrouwen!) Thangka's en Boeddha's te leren tekenen. Het programma zat goed in elkaar en de meditaties voorafgaand aan het tekenen inspireerden om in stilte te werken. Deze dagen heb ik ervaren als…

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Met dank aan Carmen voor haar passie en ervaring

Met dank aan Carmen voor haar passie en ervaring om mij en de andere deelnemers (fijne groep vrouwen!) Thangka's en Boeddha's te leren tekenen. Het programma zat goed in elkaar en de meditaties voorafgaand aan het tekenen inspireerden om in stilte te werken. Deze dagen heb ik ervaren als een heerlijke kers op mijn vakantie-taart. NamastΓ© Carmen!

Jacqueline Hovius


A perfect location

My first 3 days drawing course in Loenen, a perfect location and totally adapted to Covid 19 measures. Starting with the Medical Buddha. Carmen gave extra information about the Medicine Buddha, Tibetan medicine (movie about the amchi). Her enthusiasme and assistance with small 'issues' i…

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A perfect location

My first 3 days drawing course in Loenen, a perfect location and totally adapted to Covid 19 measures.
Starting with the Medical Buddha. Carmen gave extra information about the Medicine Buddha, Tibetan medicine (movie about the amchi). Her enthusiasme and assistance with small 'issues' is great.


Marian Sanders

Loving attention

Wonderful experience to be with Carmen's teachings, meditations, her careful loving attention. Besides the delicious meals, nice group and wonderful circumstances. Thanks!

Loving attention

Wonderful experience to be with Carmen's teachings, meditations, her careful loving attention. Besides the delicious meals, nice group and wonderful circumstances. Thanks!

Marian Sanders

Irene Kim-Ahiska

Thought process and methods behind Buddhist art

Although I am familiar with Buddhist thought, Buddhist art has always felt a bit cryptic and foreign to me. I was extremely happy to find this workshop where I got a first glimpse of the thought process and methods behind Buddhist art. The pairing of lecture and drawing was very helpful as it explai…

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Thought process and methods behind Buddhist art

Although I am familiar with Buddhist thought, Buddhist art has always felt a bit cryptic and foreign to me. I was extremely happy to find this workshop where I got a first glimpse of the thought process and methods behind Buddhist art.

The pairing of lecture and drawing was very helpful as it explained that historically the drawings had a practical purpose and that every element has meaning, it is not just a drawing for decoration.

I was very happy with every part of the workshop. Along with her expertise Carmen brought great energy to the class.

Irene Kim-Ahiska

Marie Dhaenens

Boeiend en inspirerend

Alweer voor een periode van 7 jaar weet Carmen me te boeien en inspireren met haar inhoudelijke lessen, creatieve en heldere begeleiding en meditaties. Heb nog veel te leren en te verfijnen en ervaar dankbaarheid onderdeel van deze wereldse beweging te zijn.

Boeiend en inspirerend

Alweer voor een periode van 7 jaar weet Carmen me te boeien en inspireren met haar inhoudelijke lessen, creatieve en heldere begeleiding en meditaties. Heb nog veel te leren en te verfijnen en ervaar dankbaarheid onderdeel van deze wereldse beweging te zijn.

Marie Dhaenens

Kate Denmark, Western Australia

Carmen's teaching is clear, concise and VERY helpful

I liked everything! Would love to join an actual class sometime in the future. Carmen's teaching is clear concise and VERY helpful. Thankyou.

Carmen's teaching is clear, concise and VERY helpful

I liked everything! Would love to join an actual class sometime in the future. Carmen's teaching is clear concise and VERY helpful. Thankyou.

Kate Denmark, Western Australia

Mindy Newman, USA

I didn't expect to learn so much

My expectations for the course were exceeded! I hoped to experience the meditative aspect of drawing sacred art, which I certainly did. I didn't expect to learn so much about the history and use of thangkas, which I loved, and definitely didn't expect to be so happy with my drawing, whic…

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I didn't expect to learn so much

My expectations for the course were exceeded! I hoped to experience the meditative aspect of drawing sacred art, which I certainly did. I didn't expect to learn so much about the history and use of thangkas, which I loved, and definitely didn't expect to be so happy with my drawing, which I am!

Mindy Newman, USA

Judy, Turkey

Totally immersed during the process

I felt totally immersed during the process of drawing the Buddha's face and enjoyed that. The experience also served to underscore my streak of perfectionism and the negative patterns that go along with it. I wasn't happy with the eyes of my Buddha, but decided not to make any correction…

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Totally immersed during the process

I felt totally immersed during the process of drawing the Buddha's face and enjoyed that. The experience also served to underscore my streak of perfectionism and the negative patterns that go along with it. I wasn't happy with the eyes of my Buddha, but decided not to make any corrections before submitting my artwork. Letting go of perfection here felt right.
I had some drawing experience from many years ago, but had not cultivated the skill.
Loved the space that opened in my mind while drawing and the insight gleaned from the process. Thank you Carmen!

Judy, Turkey

Marco, The Netherlands

Great experience

Really enjoyed drawing the Buddha face. Great experience to take time to meditate and draw with attention.

Great experience

Really enjoyed drawing the Buddha face. Great experience to take time to meditate and draw with attention.

Marco, The Netherlands

Mitra, Australia

The course made me feel calm and centred

I have been through some sort of crisis but this course was extremely useful! It helped me to ground myself.. made me feel calm and centred which was very needed indeed! The course structure was very clear and was beyond my expectations! I got so much out of it. I loved the combination of all the el…

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The course made me feel calm and centred

I have been through some sort of crisis but this course was extremely useful! It helped me to ground myself.. made me feel calm and centred which was very needed indeed! The course structure was very clear and was beyond my expectations! I got so much out of it. I loved the combination of all the elements you put in. I really appreciate that you decided to have online course! I live in Australia so far away to attend these classes in person. I didn't have any drawing experience. I only draw Buddha face once but would like to draw more Buddha face before even starting on colouring (bought the Colouring bundle). Many thanks again for all the effort you put in to create this amazing course for us!

Mitra, Australia

Kim Meijer living in NY, via Helmond and Amsterdam, The Netherlands

So meditative and fulfilling

I totally loved the experience. It was so meditative and fulfilling. It was beyond my expectations. Thank you so much.

So meditative and fulfilling

I totally loved the experience. It was so meditative and fulfilling. It was beyond my expectations. Thank you so much.

Kim Meijer living in NY, via Helmond and Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Charlene, USA

I had this belief that I could not draw prior to this course

I had no drawing experience, so I started the class with an open mind. I must say the 10-day schedule was quite challenging due to my work schedule and I could not spend much time during the first weekend due to prior commitments. So, I spent the second weekend working around the clock to finish the…

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I had this belief that I could not draw prior to this course

I had no drawing experience, so I started the class with an open mind. I must say the 10-day schedule was quite challenging due to my work schedule and I could not spend much time during the first weekend due to prior commitments. So, I spent the second weekend working around the clock to finish the course. What I like about the course is: 1) the instruction of how to draw a Buddha head is lay out as a step by step process. The instructions are clearly explained with the support of visual representations; 2) Carmen is supportive and answering questions and comments in a timely manner. I struggled for drawing eyes even after watching videos multiple times and practicing them multiple times. I enjoyed the different elements of the course (e.g., the history, the meditation, the actual drawing, the dedication prayer, etc.). This course has been transformative for me. I had this belief that I could not draw prior taking this course. It feels very freeing to be able to draw a Buddha head. And I absolutely love the Buddha I drew.

Charlene, USA

Lorraine Aguila, USA

Loved learning the thangka techniques

I loved this course. I loved the blend of lecture, instruction and meditation and Buddhist practices. I loved that the segments were short yet full of wonderful information. I loved seeing all the examples of the Buddha Faces in the Inspirational Gallery. It really was inspirational. What beautiful…

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Loved learning the thangka techniques

I loved this course. I loved the blend of lecture, instruction and meditation and Buddhist practices. I loved that the segments were short yet full of wonderful information. I loved seeing all the examples of the Buddha Faces in the Inspirational Gallery. It really was inspirational. What beautiful work you and your students have done. I loved learning the thangka techniques drawing my Buddha Face . Overall ..FANTASTIC! Thank you. Blessings

Lorraine Aguila, USA

Carole Martin, Canada

Easy to follow, a joy to do!

Thank you Carmen – your Buddha Face Course was so informative, easy to follow, a joy to do! I loved that in the Colouring Techniques Course you made a connection with the Dutch Masters – this was an unexpected surprise! I will continue to look at paintings of Old Masters to get inspired…

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Easy to follow, a joy to do!

Thank you Carmen – your Buddha Face Course was so informative, easy to follow, a joy to do! I loved that in the Colouring Techniques Course you made a connection with the Dutch Masters – this was an unexpected surprise! I will continue to look at paintings of Old Masters to get inspired as I practice these colouring/shading techniques. I finished my Buddha Face before I learned about blending so look forward to drawing a Buddha face in blended colours. Thanks again for creating this wonderful course.

Carole Martin, Canada

Karin Meijer, Haarlem, the Netherlands

Step for step explanation

The background information and the step by step drawing guide were very helpfull. It was an opportunity to do this e-course and it was very joyfull. I loved the information about the Buddhism and the step for step explanation for drawing the Buddhaface. Also very good was if you asked a question, th…

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Step for step explanation

The background information and the step by step drawing guide were very helpfull. It was an opportunity to do this e-course and it was very joyfull. I loved the information about the Buddhism and the step for step explanation for drawing the Buddhaface. Also very good was if you asked a question, the answer became very quick. I am very satisfied about this course.

Karin Meijer, Haarlem, the Netherlands

Selina from the beautiful Rocky Mountains in British Columbia, Canada

Perfect way for me to get motivated again

Hello! I have some drawing experience however have not done any drawing for many years. This course was the perfect way for me to get motivated again. Very challenging at some points (misalignment of grids for one…yikes) however very satisfying in many ways!! So grateful for this opportunity.

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Perfect way for me to get motivated again

Hello! I have some drawing experience however have not done any drawing for many years. This course was the perfect way for me to get motivated again. Very challenging at some points (misalignment of grids for one…yikes) however very satisfying in many ways!! So grateful for this opportunity.

Selina from the beautiful Rocky Mountains in British Columbia, Canada

Pastor, Mexico

Great moments while studying and drawing

Thank you very much dear Carmen, for guide us, for great moments while studying and drawing, for meditations and support inner learning. Om Mani Padme Hung

Great moments while studying and drawing

Thank you very much dear Carmen, for guide us, for great moments while studying and drawing, for meditations and support inner learning.
Om Mani Padme Hung

Pastor, Mexico

Sabine, Germany

So much more than a drawing course

Dear Carmen, thank you very much for this wonderful course. For me it really was set up in such a comprehensive way, this is so much more than a drawing course rather a meditation, an experience and a journey to meet my inside buddha πŸ™‚ Even though I have drawing experience I was a bit concerned abou…

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So much more than a drawing course

Dear Carmen, thank you very much for this wonderful course. For me it really was set up in such a comprehensive way, this is so much more than a drawing course rather a meditation, an experience and a journey to meet my inside buddha πŸ™‚ Even though I have drawing experience I was a bit concerned about the precise way to draw (which is not my strength) but I really enjoyed it and found great joy in the patience. An indeed fulfilling experience or shall I rather say journey.
PS: I cannot wait to shade my Buddha in black and white

Sabine, Germany

Alison Graham, Ontario, Canada

If I didn't have the timeframe I would have procrastinated

Everything was presented in a way that was clear and easy to understand. Thangka is something I had an interest in pursuing a few years ago but I ended up taking western art classes as that was much more accessible to me. I am very happy for this opportunity and I can see myself doing more. I was a…

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If I didn't have the timeframe I would have procrastinated

Everything was presented in a way that was clear and easy to understand. Thangka is something I had an interest in pursuing a few years ago but I ended up taking western art classes as that was much more accessible to me. I am very happy for this opportunity and I can see myself doing more.

I was a little stressed out about the time frame to complete it but I am glad for the deadline. If I didn't have it, I would have procrastinated.

I'm looking forward to doing another Buddha face (this time with room for halo and robes) and colouring it properly, as this one seems to have been mostly an experiment. (I'm still not sure if I should do more in the background or just keep it simple…)

Alison Graham, Ontario, Canada

Lili, MΓ©xico city

Interaction with the teacher

Yes i loved the workshop. It is very well organized and i like the interaction with the teacher (Carmen). My experience in drawing is little but i enjoyed it. It's been a long time since i wanted to find a THANGKA workshop so i'm grateful!!!

Interaction with the teacher

Yes i loved the workshop. It is very well organized and i like the interaction with the teacher (Carmen). My experience in drawing is little but i enjoyed it. It's been a long time since i wanted to find a THANGKA workshop so i'm grateful!!!

Lili, MΓ©xico city

Robin, New Jersey, USA

I enjoyed the class

I enjoyed the class, learning to draw and then color the Buddha Face. Thank you, Carmen!

I enjoyed the class

I enjoyed the class, learning to draw and then color the Buddha Face. Thank you, Carmen!

Robin, New Jersey, USA

Natalia Melnikova. Spain

I couldn't believe that I am capable of drawing a Buddha

This course was a Devine gift for me. I couldn't believe that I am capable of drawing Buddha face by myself. Especially in Tibetan Thangka Tradition. I have zero of experience and didn't draw since school. In the end I have a beautiful Buddha Face in front of me and I'm a little bit sad it's over. B…

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I couldn't believe that I am capable of drawing a Buddha

This course was a Devine gift for me. I couldn't believe that I am capable of drawing Buddha face by myself. Especially in Tibetan Thangka Tradition. I have zero of experience and didn't draw since school. In the end I have a beautiful Buddha Face in front of me and I'm a little bit sad it's over. But I am planning on doing another bigger one! I am staying at school to develop my skills on coloring techniques. I am so grateful for this opportunity to discover my new creative side.

Natalia Melnikova. Spain

Sherry, Washington, USA

I fell into the process like a playful otter into a river

My expectations were more than met, Carmen! The information you provided was inspirational and your teaching steps were well-paced. I fell into the process like a playful otter into a river. Thank you! I can see what I need to work on – symmetry for you and also the ears; I also need to pay at…

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I fell into the process like a playful otter into a river

My expectations were more than met, Carmen! The information you provided was inspirational and your teaching steps were well-paced. I fell into the process like a playful otter into a river. Thank you!

I can see what I need to work on – symmetry for you and also the ears; I also need to pay attention to the overall placement of the face on the paper. The flame got crunched by the halo!

However, I am really pleased. I've never done this type of drawing before. It was wonderful to combine my practice with this amazing art form. Again, I can't thank you enough.

With folded hands!

Sherry, Washington, USA

Betty van Vorselen, The Netherlands

I found the course inspiring

I found the course inspiring. The background information very good.

I found the course inspiring

I found the course inspiring. The background information very good.

Betty van Vorselen, The Netherlands

Amanda West, California, USA

History of Thang Ka paintings and buddhist philosophy

I loved taking this course so much! I particularly enjoyed the explanation of the history of Thang Ka paintings and buddhist philosophy. Carmen, thank you for your detailed and easy to understand explanations. This has been an incredible experience.

History of Thang Ka paintings and buddhist philosophy

I loved taking this course so much! I particularly enjoyed the explanation of the history of Thang Ka paintings and buddhist philosophy. Carmen, thank you for your detailed and easy to understand explanations. This has been an incredible experience.

Amanda West, California, USA

Bill, USA

Had fun!

Had fun drawing and coloring the Buddha Face!

Had fun!

Had fun drawing and coloring the Buddha Face!

Bill, USA

Heidi de Mare, Leiden, The Netherlands

I've learned a lot!

Carmen, thank you so much for your inspiring lectures! I've learned a lot! I will continue with the colour-workshop, and will use that knowledge to colour my Buddha-face. It was not easy to draw the Buddha face, but it made me realise more the differences in drawing both sides in balance. I wi…

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I've learned a lot!

Carmen, thank you so much for your inspiring lectures! I've learned a lot! I will continue with the colour-workshop, and will use that knowledge to colour my Buddha-face. It was not easy to draw the Buddha face, but it made me realise more the differences in drawing both sides in balance. I will continue my training! Thank you very much! best wishes, Heidi

Heidi de Mare, Leiden, The Netherlands

Robin, USA

Enjoyed the background talks!

I enjoyed the drawing and especially the background talks!

Enjoyed the background talks!

I enjoyed the drawing and especially the background talks!

Robin, USA

Karin, The Netherlands

Very enjoyable with a good mix of information

The online workshop was very enjoyable with a good mix of information on the thangka painting tradition, how to draw as well as making your own drawing.

Very enjoyable with a good mix of information

The online workshop was very enjoyable with a good mix of information on the thangka painting tradition, how to draw as well as making your own drawing.

Karin, The Netherlands

Ellen Green, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Rich and meaningful experience

This course was perfect in every way for me. The teaching of the dharma, the mantra chanting, the meditation, the history and the clear, concise instruction all combined to create this rich and meaningful experience. Thank you.

Rich and meaningful experience

This course was perfect in every way for me. The teaching of the dharma, the mantra chanting, the meditation, the history and the clear, concise instruction all combined to create this rich and meaningful experience. Thank you.

Ellen Green, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Kate Denmark, Western Australia

Very clear instructions and supporting info

It was great, and I learned a lot, Thank you Carmen! The most difficult part was seeing/ understanding how the Buddha's eyes are not as open as depicted, so more practice Needed! Very clear instructions and the supporting info very helpful.

Very clear instructions and supporting info

It was great, and I learned a lot, Thank you Carmen! The most difficult part was seeing/ understanding how the Buddha's eyes are not as open as depicted, so more practice Needed! Very clear instructions and the supporting info very helpful.

Kate Denmark, Western Australia

Peter Prommel, The Netherlands

It put me in a concentrated and restful mood

I really liked the meditations and background stories. They put me so well in a concentrated and restful mood. It made it easier to remember all the tips and tricks also! My mind worked better! I enjoyed the pencil drawing, and precision, but had some troubles with the paint and size. Eveness of thi…

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It put me in a concentrated and restful mood

I really liked the meditations and background stories. They put me so well in a concentrated and restful mood. It made it easier to remember all the tips and tricks also! My mind worked better! I enjoyed the pencil drawing, and precision, but had some troubles with the paint and size. Eveness of this paint (cobra, oil/watermixable) was not so easy.. I really liked being able to keep editing the final, with the same paint as well as with acryl and acrylic ink (liquitex). I also liked staying long with the basic colors green, red, yellow and blue, which resemble for me Maitri, Karuna, Mudita and Upekkha.

I noticed it is challenging to make all the lines symetrical and positioned so that I liked the expression of the smile. Also the painting was challenging, to get an even, or shaded layer. I felt good about learning to concentrate on smaller brushstrokes, and keep the rest in breathing as well. I notice when I stop breathing at particular difficult lines. It was a lot of fun touching up at the end, small lines, small corrections. polishing.

Peter Prommel, The Netherlands

Deb, Toronto, Canada

A wonderful way to spend the day!

Thanks for this course. The step by step approach allowed me to relax into the drawing practice. I enjoyed the additional learning through the lectures and now know more about the Buddha iconography as a result. Looking forward to the colouring course next to finish my piece. I haven't drawn f…

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A wonderful way to spend the day!

Thanks for this course. The step by step approach allowed me to relax into the drawing practice. I enjoyed the additional learning through the lectures and now know more about the Buddha iconography as a result. Looking forward to the colouring course next to finish my piece. I haven't drawn for years and this was a wonderful way to spend the day!

Deb, Toronto, Canada

Shashi Rekha, India

Liked the meditation

I liked the course and the meditation before starting the course.

Liked the meditation

I liked the course and the meditation before starting the course.

Shashi Rekha, India

Arisina, The Netherlands

Carmens knowledge of tibetan history and iconology is an essential part of the workshop

I appreciated Carmens knowledge of tibetan history and iconology as an essential part of the workshop, besides the technical aspects, which were also very clear. Oh, and I do like her shop!

Carmens knowledge of tibetan history and iconology is an essential part of the workshop

I appreciated Carmens knowledge of tibetan history and iconology as an essential part of the workshop, besides the technical aspects, which were also very clear.
Oh, and I do like her shop!

Arisina, The Netherlands


Love the course!!!

This is my Medicine Buddha so far – I love the course!!!

The Netherlands

Love the course!!!

This is my Medicine Buddha so far – I love the course!!!


The Netherlands

Ven. Karma Shan Tan, Singapore

Really enjoyed the lessons

Palms joined in Heartfelt gratitude to Teacher Carmen for the guidance via the video teachings. Had really enjoyed the lessons and really took time to meditate and chant before each drawing. Had also repeatedly observed in meditative concentration to finetune again and again. Thus, like to apologise…

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Really enjoyed the lessons

Palms joined in Heartfelt gratitude to Teacher Carmen for the guidance via the video teachings. Had really enjoyed the lessons and really took time to meditate and chant before each drawing. Had also repeatedly observed in meditative concentration to finetune again and again. Thus, like to apologise for submitting an uncompleted draft as really taking time to repeat watching the lessons and repeat fine tuning for each part. Since I have zero background, would appreciate if Teacher Carmen could share more in detail from her wealth of experiences on how to attain the symmetry of both left and right sides especially with the eyes, mouth and nose.

Ven. Karma Shan Tan, Singapore

Anne Montano, California, USA

Helping me get through this difficult time

This was (is) a beautiful, meditative experience which is helping me get through this difficult time. I look forward to taking another class in the future.

Helping me get through this difficult time

This was (is) a beautiful, meditative experience which is helping me get through this difficult time. I look forward to taking another class in the future.

Anne Montano, California, USA

Karla, Chile

I never thought I could do a Buddha face!

Thanks for the teachings, I never thought I could do a Buddha face! An amazing journey… Thank you Carmen!

I never thought I could do a Buddha face!

Thanks for the teachings, I never thought I could do a Buddha face!
An amazing journey… Thank you Carmen!

Karla, Chile

Tenzin Nyidron, Vietnam

For all sentient beings to be happy and free of suffering

I'm so happy to attend this class and thanks for the teacher, Carmen, who is so kind and experience. I'm not good in drawing but realised what I dream. When I draw Buddha face, I think of all Buddha's quality, visualise Buddha, then the grid then draw it. I read sometimes the mantra of Buddha Shakya…

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For all sentient beings to be happy and free of suffering

I'm so happy to attend this class and thanks for the teacher, Carmen, who is so kind and experience. I'm not good in drawing but realised what I dream. When I draw Buddha face, I think of all Buddha's quality, visualise Buddha, then the grid then draw it. I read sometimes the mantra of Buddha Shakya Muni. When coloring, I can see better the independent origination, all the draw, color, one by one to make his appearance. Just relax the mind, think of Buddha's quality, continue to color. The most dificult is how to show via the drawing Budha's compassion and wisdom. Compassion I try to make his eyes, look upon beings with loving, kindness "I show you the path, it's your choice to follow". Then the wisdom, I try to make via the hallow, blue circle by making the following one zen tradition of painting circle, just draw circle, visualise of his wisdom raise. And Buddha has the 3 kayas, then the Nirmakaya, his appearance, Sambogakaya, his smile and the light, Dharmakaya in his wisdom appeare.
That is my way to complete the Buddha's face.
Thank you for Carmen to guide me and explain clearly.
I dedicate for Carmen's work to help more people can draw their dream, for all sentient beings be happy and free of suffering.

Tenzin Nyidron, Vietnam

Camila Prete, Maui, Hawaii

It's been a very great process

Hi Carmen. I'm still working on finishing of my Buddha face but wanted to send to you ,so you can see where I am at. I haven't worked with color pencil in a while. πŸ™‚ I've been having fun tho! Here is what I got so far: I am Doing the background in acrylics. I want to bring up that it has been a very…

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It's been a very great process

Hi Carmen.
I'm still working on finishing of my Buddha face but wanted to send to you ,so you can see where I am at.
I haven't worked with color pencil in a while. πŸ™‚ I've been having fun tho!
Here is what I got so far:

I am Doing the background in acrylics.

I want to bring up that it has been a very meditative work and a lots of thought keep coming in to my mind. I have been notice how it interfere on my painting. Even when I have thought that are not so pleasant, I notice I get more sloppy. And I have practice coming back to my relaxed enjoyable state of mind.
Also looking at Buddha face have been feeling like Buddha is looking at me, and I apologize at times for thinking or judging people or Situations. Like asking for forgiveness. And then I remember that You said that is a reflection of ourselves, so I change it to apologize to myself and forgive myself for those human feelings.

It's been a very great process.

To connect to my art , creativity, myself and the Divinity of all of it.

Also my cat have been jumping on my Thangka drawing and I get a little nervous so it's also another exercise, i remember that you teach about the animals. So I replace my nervous acting with put him on my lap and start to pet him.

Practice, practice, practice πŸ™‚
I really appreciate learning with you.

And I am very grateful!

Thank you so much for your patience.

Much love

Camila Prete, Maui, Hawaii

Anne Crosbie

I gained confidence in colouring which I never had before

I loved this course. I approached it with a degree of skepticism thinking colouring pencils could only ever achieve a matte and flat finish but the shine achievable using Carmen's techniques even for a beginner like me is amazing. Carmen has kept up her usual very high standard with this cours…

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I gained confidence in colouring which I never had before

I loved this course. I approached it with a degree of skepticism thinking colouring pencils could only ever achieve a matte and flat finish but the shine achievable using Carmen's techniques even for a beginner like me is amazing. Carmen has kept up her usual very high standard with this course. I loved the extra bits like learning from the Dutch Masters and all the links to documentaries on colour. The most important thing for me though was that in this course I gained confidence in colouring my Buddhist drawings which I never had before thanks to the way Carmen gently and methodically guides from the simple to more complex Buddhist symbols in her very quiet relaxed approach. I was colouring in confidently before I realised it. Thank you very much Carmen. I hope to do many more courses with you.

Anne Crosbie

Lorraine Kardash

I liked being able to work at my own pace

I liked being able to work at my own pace, which is currently slow, and being able to return to the lessons and relisten. So the online experience was surprisingly a good one! Most of all I loved the connection that evolved by using the Medicine Buddha Mantra, the beautiful, exquisite guided meditat…

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Gorham, Maine, USA

I liked being able to work at my own pace

I liked being able to work at my own pace, which is currently slow, and being able to return to the lessons and relisten. So the online experience was surprisingly a good one! Most of all I loved the connection that evolved by using the Medicine Buddha Mantra, the beautiful, exquisite guided meditation, and the drawing process. My mind and body rebelled at first, having to be so exact and work at it. I had to erase so much! I am going on to the coloring course so will continue working.

Lorraine Kardash

Gorham, Maine, USA

Trudi de Kok


I have been attending Carmen's workshops for over seven years now, and I have not finished learning yet. The more you delve into this matter, the more fascinating it becomes. Drawing Thangka is a special and wonderful hobby, and Carmen is a fantastic teacher; passionate, but also very clear in…

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I have been attending Carmen's workshops for over seven years now, and I have not finished learning yet. The more you delve into this matter, the more fascinating it becomes. Drawing Thangka is a special and wonderful hobby, and Carmen is a fantastic teacher; passionate, but also very clear in her explanation and inspiring in terms of guidance. Recommended!!!!!!

Trudi de Kok

Emelia Berol, northern California

Now I feel I have the knowledge to complete my drawings

I love the way the course is laid out and developed, taking us through each step with lectures and then exercises. I enjoyed the lectures about the old Dutch masters very much, and the way Carmen segued into Tangka. It's very clear and helpful and now I feel I have the knowledge to complete my drawi…

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northern California, USA

Now I feel I have the knowledge to complete my drawings

I love the way the course is laid out and developed, taking us through each step with lectures and then exercises. I enjoyed the lectures about the old Dutch masters very much, and the way Carmen segued into Tangka.
It's very clear and helpful and now I feel I have the knowledge to complete my drawings from previous classes.

Emelia Berol, northern California

northern California, USA

Wendy Insinger, New York, USA

I really thought it would be impossible for me to draw at all

This course was amazing! I really thought it would be impossible for me to draw at all. Carmen's videos are incredible, as it all the detail, information, and compassion she puts into teaching!!!

I really thought it would be impossible for me to draw at all

This course was amazing! I really thought it would be impossible for me to draw at all. Carmen's videos are incredible, as it all the detail, information, and compassion she puts into teaching!!!

Wendy Insinger, New York, USA


The online course turned out better than expected

Good course, with clear instructions. The online course turned out better than expected for me. I already had drawing experience though Carmen's onsite courses.

The Hague, Netherlands

The online course turned out better than expected

Good course, with clear instructions. The online course turned out better than expected for me. I already had drawing experience though Carmen's onsite courses.


The Hague, Netherlands


It was a beautiful and deep experience!

This is my pencil version. Thank you SO MUCH Carmen! i dedicate these drawings to you too… I´ve been longing to do this and i'd like to keep on and maybe one day on site! It was a beautiful and deep experience! Nice to meet you all!

Mexico city

It was a beautiful and deep experience!

This is my pencil version. Thank you SO MUCH Carmen! i dedicate these drawings to you too… I´ve been longing to do this and i'd like to keep on and maybe one day on site! It was a beautiful and deep experience!
Nice to meet you all!


Mexico city


I felt guided by the powerful energy of Tara

I feel very grateful for this experience. This time I was more confident with the pencil especially when I erased the grit and went over the drawing again. I felt guided by the powerful energy of Tara, graceful but assertive and with more clarity in what I was doing. I will start soon coloring the T…

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Sedona AZ US

I felt guided by the powerful energy of Tara

I feel very grateful for this experience.
This time I was more confident with the pencil especially when I erased the grit and went over the drawing again. I felt guided by the powerful energy of Tara, graceful but assertive and with more clarity in what I was doing. I will start soon coloring the Tara and I feel very excited to learn more about coloring techniques.
Thank you Carmen for the amazing opportunity of taking the course on line. So well done in every aspect. And I love to dive into Buddhist philosophy and learn more of this art.


Sedona AZ US

Melissa Ebeling

Teachings were very well thought out

I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the course, teachings were very well thought out, meditation retreat, mantra, meanings, teaching of white tara, history, drawing details, color, great course materials…. all so wonderful… I'm a seasoned artist, however art I feel is more of an infinite…

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Maui, Hawaii

Teachings were very well thought out

I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the course, teachings were very well thought out, meditation retreat, mantra, meanings, teaching of white tara, history, drawing details, color, great course materials…. all so wonderful… I'm a seasoned artist, however art I feel is more of an infinite never ending learning journey…. So grateful for this wonderful class. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’–

Melissa Ebeling

Maui, Hawaii


De cursus online pakte beter uit voor mij dan verwacht

Goede cursus, met duidelijke instructies. De cursus online pakte beter uit voor mij dan verwacht. Ik had al ervaring met tekenen via Carmen's cursussen op locatie.

Den Haag, Nederland

De cursus online pakte beter uit voor mij dan verwacht

Goede cursus, met duidelijke instructies. De cursus online pakte beter uit voor mij dan verwacht. Ik had al ervaring met tekenen via Carmen's cursussen op locatie.


Den Haag, Nederland

Anne Crosbie


Anne Crosbie


Grace B. Yap-Kirk

Feels great upon completion

Immense gratitude to Carmen for the course, which gave structure to my process of thangka drawing. The lectures provided meaning, symbolism and Buddhist philosophy concepts besides drawing with contemplation. Feels great upon completion. (digital artwork drawn and coloured using Procreate; halos and…

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Brisbane, Australia

Feels great upon completion

Immense gratitude to Carmen for the course, which gave structure to my process of thangka drawing. The lectures provided meaning, symbolism and Buddhist philosophy concepts besides drawing with contemplation. Feels great upon completion.

(digital artwork drawn and coloured using Procreate; halos and backdrop are digitally altered images using copyright-free pictures)

Grace B. Yap-Kirk

Brisbane, Australia


Giving a real retreat feel

Thank you Carmen. It's been great to 'begin' drawing White Tara through the zoom course. Incredibly well presented and delivered giving a real retreat feel, especially at such a time when we can't meet in person. It's been lovely knowing that around the world we have all been focusing on White Tara…

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United Kingdom

Giving a real retreat feel

Thank you Carmen. It's been great to 'begin' drawing White Tara through the zoom course. Incredibly well presented and delivered giving a real retreat feel, especially at such a time when we can't meet in person.
It's been lovely knowing that around the world we have all been focusing on White Tara at the same time.


United Kingdom

Theresa G

My ninth year working with Carmen

I finally finished my White Tara! This is my ninth year working with Carmen and it is always an amazing experience. Doing this course helped me to finish my drawing.

New York, USA

My ninth year working with Carmen

I finally finished my White Tara!
This is my ninth year working with Carmen and it is always an amazing experience. Doing this course helped me to finish my drawing.

Theresa G

New York, USA


Very helpful to have Carmen's guidance during the zoom meeting

The class exceeded my expectations. There was so much information, from learning about the history and background of the Medicine Buddha and Tibetan medicine; the meditation, the Medicine Buddha mantra and chanting to the actual drawing and coloring. It was very helpful to have Carmen's guidance dur…

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New Jersey, USA

Very helpful to have Carmen's guidance during the zoom meeting

The class exceeded my expectations. There was so much information, from learning about the history and background of the Medicine Buddha and Tibetan medicine; the meditation, the Medicine Buddha mantra and chanting to the actual drawing and coloring. It was very helpful to have Carmen's guidance during the zoom meeting. The class was a joy to experience.


New Jersey, USA


I loved getting to know White Tara so intimately

I loved getting to know White Tara so intimately. The program was outstanding. Carmen has done a fabulous job putting this together in such a clear format. An artist with any formal education I do not have and very much enjoyed learning from Carmen her vast knowledge of both art history and Buddhism…

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Washington, USA

I loved getting to know White Tara so intimately

I loved getting to know White Tara so intimately. The program was outstanding. Carmen has done a fabulous job putting this together in such a clear format.
An artist with any formal education I do not have and very much enjoyed learning from Carmen her vast knowledge of both art history and Buddhism.
Carmen has always been so encouraging and inspiration because I thought I'd never get this far.
I still have much to color and hope to have it done soon.
Thank You!


Washington, USA


Had some but not much experience in drawing

I absolutely loved drawing White Tara. Had some but not much experience in drawing and am amazed how she manifested on paper πŸ˜‰


Had some but not much experience in drawing

I absolutely loved drawing White Tara. Had some but not much experience in drawing and am amazed how she manifested on paper πŸ˜‰

